Stanbury Stallionettes Drill Team

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Homecoming Info

We are about 3rd in the assembly, right after the Drama club skit.

Also, for those of you that didn't help decorate, you need to stay after school tomorrow and take down the decorations. Emily will give me a list of the names that need to stay.

Also, I just found out from the cheer coach that they would like us to be there for the pre-game/cheering at the alleyway entrance to the football field with them when the busses arrive at 6pm. This is when we scheduled our dinner, so we will spend 5-10 minutes cheering with them, then we will head over the the grassy area outside the dance studio and eat our dinner that our fabulous parents will be supplying!

Remember that we don't have practice tomorrow morning- enjoy!

Be watching out for a post from veronica with all the costume/dress/hair details.

Thank you!