Stanbury Stallionettes Drill Team

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Hip Hop Boot Camp

REMEMBER that our Hip Hop Boot Camp is THIS Saturday. We have the gym scheduled from 6am-2pm, but hopefully we won't have to use that whole time. We will be having lunch at 11am, (if we aren't done by then), so make sure you bring a lunch or plan accordingly.

Because I am SOOO nice, I will give all of you until October 5th to have all your hip hop fees paid by. ($50 to be in hip hop) I strongly encourage all of you to try to participate in hip hop- what a great experience- especially because we are learning from such an incredible choreographer/teacher.

It is not mandatory, so if you choose not to participate, you don't have to come.

Let's work hard and have a blast on Saturday!