Stanbury Stallionettes Drill Team

Friday, September 30, 2011


Thanks Leslie for the great idea of the donuts; I think we have a lot of potential to make mucho!


Thursday, September 29, 2011


Hey Ladies,
Remember how important it is to stretch EVERYDAY. It would be super great if you strectched before you went to bed as well as in the morning. We want to be flexible :)
Remember to take ten minutes and review all our dances each day. Especially the one we are working on each week.
Don't forget to pay your Hip-Hop fee, and for your hip-hop shoes, if you haven't already done so.
For the girls who just got your pizza cards, You have two weeks to sell them! Unless Chantal says otherwise.
Keep working hard it pays off in the end! Love you beautiful girls!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Hip Hop Boot Camp

REMEMBER that our Hip Hop Boot Camp is THIS Saturday. We have the gym scheduled from 6am-2pm, but hopefully we won't have to use that whole time. We will be having lunch at 11am, (if we aren't done by then), so make sure you bring a lunch or plan accordingly.

Because I am SOOO nice, I will give all of you until October 5th to have all your hip hop fees paid by. ($50 to be in hip hop) I strongly encourage all of you to try to participate in hip hop- what a great experience- especially because we are learning from such an incredible choreographer/teacher.

It is not mandatory, so if you choose not to participate, you don't have to come.

Let's work hard and have a blast on Saturday!

Donut Fundraiser

Since Leslie is so amazing, we will be selling donuts this Friday before school starts. Tomorrow, I will be choosing a pair of sisters to sell for Friday. You will start at 7am and go until 7:50. I will release whoever is selling at 6:45am to get ready.

Thanks Leslie and Soelbergs!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Just got this email!!!

Congratulations Stallionettes! You won the “best float” trophy!!! Give yourselves a big pat on the back because you did an amazing job. J Your hard work did not go unnoticed!! The SBO’s will be bringing you your trophy to put in your case (or wherever you’d like). It is a traveling trophy, so don’t lose it! We’ll pass it along to the winner next year.

Thanks for putting out so much effort,
From Diane Kelsey and all the SBO officers!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Stay Strong


Know that we as we approach competition season, practices will only get more intense and more stressful as we will have alot of cleaning to do. Come ready to work hard, and keep a positive attitude! The harder and faster we work, the more AWESOME we will be at competitions (which I am totally confident we will be!)

You girls are such hard workers and I really think each and every one of you are doing a fantastic job. Keep up the good work, smile, and love each moment of your dancing experience- you only get this experience once!!

I truly love you all. :)

N Step Technique Class

As I have talked about earlier, I strongly recommend the girls taking an outside technique class. Technique is SO important, and we haven't had a ton of time to really focus on it lately during practice. It is so important, that I will do my best to keep fitting it in during our practices.

Remember that if you are taking an outside dance class (in any genre) I will give you a merit for every class you are signed up for per month. We have some great teachers here that have alot of experience and can really help us get to the next level.

I wanted to let the parents know that N Step is offering for me to hold an advanced technique class for my drill girls on Thursday nights at 7:30pm. I believe the price would be $30/month, but I will check more into that and let you know if any of you are interested.

Don't feel pressured to switch, that's not what I want, because I think its important for the dancers to have different teachers, that use different examples and have different teaching styles. But, if any of you want to take an additional class, or aren't taking a class yet, then this would be a great opportunity.

I would work alot on barre work, strengthening/core, form, and of course, introduce difficulty of turns and leaps.

Please let me know as soon as you can if you're interested so we can get a number- this will determine if whether I will hold the class.

Thank You!

Sponsor Shirts

For the sponsor shirts, I apologize for not having them at this game. There have been a couple of hold ups and the process went a little bit slower than I would have hoped, but I ensure that we will have them for our next game. To make up for it, I will have the girls wear their shirts to some extra events (to school, to competitions, fundraisers, etc...) Again, I apologize. Next year we will get started on these earlier in the year.

Hot Chocolate

I would like to thank all the fabulous parents that helped make our hot chocolate selling so successful! We made $480 on Friday! (which is way better than expected!) We will keep selling at the next couple of games- great JOB!

Special thanks for Gloria for all your work!!!!

FYI: I am currently getting the final ok to sell donuts the last friday of every month at school. Leslie, I will let you know as SOON as I get the final details/word. Thanks! (This would be just selling by the girls in the morning, we don't need any parent volunteers besides donuts by leslie!)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Quote 9/25-9/30

Dance is a song of the body. Either of joy or pain. ~ Martha Graham

No matter how much pain you are in remember your love for dance. Always dance through your body and not your mind. We might be tired and sore after homecoming but just remember to to feel joy!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Homecoming Packing List!

Okay. So.
Funhouse: -Sparkly sports bra, body tights, black jazz shoes, grey sparkly top, jazz pants.
Parade: -Blue practice zebra top, jazz pants, body tights, sparkly sports bra, hip hop shoes.
Hip Hop: Black practice top, blue football jersey, body tights, sparkly sports bra, hip hop shoes, jazz pants.
Football game: Warm ups, blue football jerseys, with jazz pants underneath warm ups.
Random stuff: Bobby pins, elastics, snacks, water bottle, hairspray, any thing else you might need! Don't forget anything or you will suffer the consequences. haha just kiddin :) but really. don't forget anything. haha :)
Makeup is the same as always, and hair is in a straight, high ponytail at the back of your head, (like it was last time for hip hop,) and your bangs need to be braided. Part is left. Braid goes left to right. Wear school colors to school unless you've cleared something else with me. I don't care how you wear your hair to school, but please remember that girls who would braid your hair for you also have to get themselves ready, and we don't have a lot of time, so please come prepared as possible!
Sleep in tomorrow :)


Our lovely Chantal has scheduled us our Hazen pictures!
The date is
Wednesday, October 12th

Please mark your calendars. We will be getting the info to you as soon as we receive it.
Thank you!

** On a side note, girls make sure you pull up the funhouse facials. On the search tab to the right, just type in funhouse facials, and it should come up. These need to be correct- this is your homework!

Homecoming Info

We are about 3rd in the assembly, right after the Drama club skit.

Also, for those of you that didn't help decorate, you need to stay after school tomorrow and take down the decorations. Emily will give me a list of the names that need to stay.

Also, I just found out from the cheer coach that they would like us to be there for the pre-game/cheering at the alleyway entrance to the football field with them when the busses arrive at 6pm. This is when we scheduled our dinner, so we will spend 5-10 minutes cheering with them, then we will head over the the grassy area outside the dance studio and eat our dinner that our fabulous parents will be supplying!

Remember that we don't have practice tomorrow morning- enjoy!

Be watching out for a post from veronica with all the costume/dress/hair details.

Thank you!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Those of you planning on going to the powder puff game please wear your jersey!
Remember to go through Funhouse tonight. We want to look like we LOVE IT!! :)
Keep being awesome!
Hey Everyone,
I just wanted to pop in and ask if anyone knows where we can get yellow feathers for our chicken costumes and i also need to see if anyone would be willing to sew some very puffy tutus. I have the picture I would like to do them from.

Also, I think our theme for chick pick will be "Party like a rock star". If anyone has any ideas for decorations, please let me know. I think we will do the same thing we did last year for the refreshments because it seemed to work well. I think we did 1 or 2 dozen of any treats, cookies, or something, per girl. Please let me know if I'm wrong on this.

I love you all, and I'm so impressed on how great of a team and what wonderful girls you are. You guys look amazing, and I'm proud to be a coach for your team. Thanks for all your hard work. Parents, Thank you as well for being so awesome. We couldn't do a lot of this without you.
Thanks again.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Saturday Practices

I have added two mandatory saturday practices to our schedule to get ready for competition season. Please mark these dates:

Saturday, November 5th 6am-10am

Saturday, November 12th 6am-10am

These have been added to the calendar and are also under the Important Events tab.
Thank you.

Quote of the Week!

Sorry it took so long to get this posted-technical difficulties:) but here it is:
If you have an hour, will you not improve that hour, instead of idling it away? -Lord Chesterfield

I picked this quote because it's about always trying and improving, wasting time won't get us anywhere. Even in our rare moments of down-time we should be thinking about how to improve... we should all be working hard and NOT wasting time

Powder Puff Game

Since I didn't mention the game earlier, we will not be making the Powder Puff Game Mandatory. However, if you go, you will receive a merit and a treat. :)

I would like all of you to dress the same. Veronica, will post or inform you on what you'll wear to the game.

Again, this game is a merit opportunity. The game is tomorrow night at 7pm.

Monday, September 19, 2011

3rd Invitational Competition

After talking with the team today in practice, we have decided on our last competition.

We will be attending the

Great Basin Invitational

at Delta High School

Dec 17th (Solos 16th)

Please mark your calendars. All of the competitions are on the calendar and in the important events tab. These are set and mandatory.

Since Delta is a couple of hours away, i'm ok with any soloists that would like to go down with their families friday night and stay the night. *Please let me know soon if you will be doing this.

If we get enough of us that want to spend the night, we could do this as a team, (but each girl will have to pay for their portion of the room.)

Thank you!

Stallionette Studs & Homecoming Week!

Girls: Remember to let your Stallionette Studs know about the upcoming practices!
*Tomorrow we have an optional practice at 7:30 because of the morning side
*Wednesday we will have practice (with donuts again) at 7am.
*Powder Puff game is Wed night at 6pm

It's Homecoming week which means a few things!
(A) It's going to be busy!
(B) That we need to show school spirit!
*Please be participating in all the school events and dress. Participate in th designated days (ie.. pajama day) etc...

Please please be going over your parade routine- we will not have time to re-clean or re-teach. We will be going over this routine tomorrow.

Also, make sure you bring your hip hop shoes to practice tomorrow.

The officers and I will be posting a lot this week so make sure you are checking often so you are up to date!

Crazy Blog

So, i'm sure many of you have noticed how different our blog looks all the time. I put in a background, and I think it may have been "corrupt" because the colors and background would change everytime I logged in. I've been trying to fix it for a while, but didn't discover the problem until now. (I'm also no computer genius, but I'm guessing that was it!)

So after tweaking here and there, I got it more simplified, clean and *hopefully* staying the same!

Sorry about all the wierd changes, the blog had a mind of its own! Hopefully none of you got a headache!


Sunday, September 18, 2011


Remember to work on those headstands! Military has to be SPECTACULAR if i'm going to let you girlies perform it for the assembly on Friday- so work work work!

Also, remember that Stallionette Studs starts tomorrow at 7am. Please remind your boys that signed up!!!

You girls did a great job at the assembly- keep up the good work!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Tomorrow's Assembly

I know many of you are concerned about the "black light" assembly tomorrow. I talked to the cheer coach and she said the lights will be on for our performance.

This will be a pm assembly so parents are more than welcome to come watch our hip hop (its only about minute though, just to let you all know.


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

SHS Homecoming Parade Information
Parade Date: Friday, September 23rd
Parade Theme: True to the BLUE
Parade Start time: 4:30 pm
Line-up Start Time: 4:00 pm
Line-up Location: Stansbury Elementary School
Ladies(: Please, PLEASE, be practicing the parade rountine that we have learned for the Stansbury Days Parade!!! The Homecoming Parade is next week, we are going to look AMAZING!!! I love you ladies, if you have any questions let me know. Or if you need help with any dance routine that you might have forgotten, let your sisters or officers know(: Continue working hard!!! Thanks!!!

What toooo Wear.

Okay. So.
Friday the 16th- To school, wear school gear! (Ex. Blue Crew, Stampede, M.A.S.S. shirts, Stallionette gear, blue Stansbury clothes!) Something to represent Stansbury High School.
The Pep Assembly- We are doing Hip Hop. Wear your blue warm up bottoms, black Stallionette shirt, (with black practice top underneath,) hip hop shoes, and tights. (I will explain the tight thing at practice.) Makeup is regular performance makeup, and hair is in a high ponytail, part from the heart.

I'll post the information for homecoming soon. :)


Sorry it took me so long to get this up!! (Thanks Kylie by the way!)
There is a bit of insanity in dancing that does everybody a great deal of good. ~Edwin Denby

First off, I love this. Dance is a great stress relief. When you get frustrated this week try and put that energy into your dancing. It is surprising how much better you can dance we when just forget about the world around you and dance. Don't let anything get in the way of yourself getting better this week. Stay strong. I love you girls. :)

Budget Breakdown

I have made a "Budget Breakdown" sheet for all of you that have questions about our expenses and fundraisers. You can view and print this here.

Thank you and let me know if you have any questions.

Dance Class Merits

You are taking a dance class, (in school or out), then I will give you a merit on a one to one ratio per month. So if you are taking two dance classes, you will receive two merits per month.

It is your responsibility to come and tell me at the end of each month how many classes you enrolled in, what classes, and where. I will then approve the dance classes/teachers, and if approved, I will give you a merit per class. Please give me your teachers contact information so I can communicate with them.

Also know that for those of you that were not excused from the activity last night received one demerit each.

emember that if you want to earn extra merits, bring band aids, antiseptic wipes, or diet coke!

Thank you ladies!

Good Luck!

Good Luck Janica! We know you are going to be great tonight!

*Remember Stallionettes if you go and sit together and cheer, (and be respectful), I will give you each a merit.

Go Janica!!!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Thank You

I just wanted to give a shout out to all the parents that made Boot Camp so wonderful. Thank you for all your support and love for this team!

Remember that tonight is Jen's Technique class at the Dance Centre at 2:30. It would be great if you could attend!!! (Merits!!!!)

Lastly, our lovely Janica will be in the Homecoming Pageant! It is this Wednesday at 7pm. I will give your a merit if you go to support wearing your Stallionette gear! Let's sit together and show her our support!!! GO JANICA!

Saturday, September 10, 2011


Competition can be found here or under the "Practice" tab at the bottom.

I am so excited for these pieces; Trevor did a great job getting us to that next level.

You girls worked hard, so drink up and get some rest! You are all awesome!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Make sure you are all aware of what our Constitution states. Study it often so you know rules/demerits/absences etc.. You can find our constitution here. Thanks!

The Results

Tryouts were great today! All of you did a such a wonderful job- thank you for all your hard work.

AND..... the results for who made our DANCE routine are.......


Our alternates for Dance will be:


*Remember how important your job is. You each need to learn all parts of this dance. You, more than likely, WILL have to be put in at one time or another. You are SO important!!

Now..... The results for who made the Character routine are......


That's right, ALL of you made our character routine! How exciting! Remember, that all of you will need to work really hard; we can still pull if we feel any of you aren't up to par.

Awesome job ladies! Competitions will be great!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Clarification for Dominos Cards


For the dominos cards, there are now 6 dominos cards that are mandatory to cover the hip hop shoe fee cost. HOWEVER, if you got enough sponsors (in addition to your two mandatory), then you do not need to participate in the dominos card fundraiser.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Remember, you will be judged on the following for tryouts tomorrow:

- ability to learn correctly
- style
- technique
- showmanship

For character, remember that you need to choreograph 3 sets of 8 portraying an animal. You need to keep in mind that the choreography needs to have dance movements.

Come prepared tomorrow!

Change of Region Location

I received notification that region has changed from being held at Grantsville to Ben Lomond. The date is still the same, (Jan 21st). Please mark your calendars accordingly. Thank you.

Inspirational Quote

Great works are performed not by strength but by perserverance. ~ Samuel Johnson.

You don't have to be strong to be great. Strength will come if you perservere, and push through your weakness. This week will be long, we will get tired, but remember to keep your head up. Push through everything that is thrown at you with effort, and it will surprise you what you can accomplish. Let's make this week great!!!!
(Thanks for the quote Maddie!!)

Monday, September 5, 2011

Packing List for Boot Camp!
-Water Bottle (You could bring Gatorade or something.)
-Jazz Shoes (Do NOT forget.)
-Extra bobby pins or elastics.
-Any medicine or things you'll need for your injuries. (It's really hard to stop a practice to find you some medical tape, a brace, a band aid, ect.)

All the same items, but you DON'T need to bring a lunch, I would reccomend snacks though.

*On Friday we will be wearing our Friday practice outfits that we wear normally (pants please), and Saturday we will be wearing our black practice tops with jazz pants. (Unless Kamie you are fine with shorts?) Please remember everything!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Hip Hop Shoes

We haven't handed out the Pizza cards yet and haven't set a due date, but I just wanted to clarify a couple of things about them.

We have made a mandatory of 5 cards to sell. These 5 mandatory cards will pay for your hip hop shoes. (If you would rather pay your $50, then you do not need to sell 5 cards) Anything extra earned, can be applied to your $50 hip hop routine fee.

We will get more details out as soon as we have more information.

Tryouts/Boot Camp

Please be working on a set of 8 al la secondes, splits, leaps, and pirouettes for our tryouts. Also, you will be judged on "style" and how quickly you learn the combo. Lastly, for character, I will let you know on Tuesday what I give you details on your acting/dancing part of auditions for Wednesday.

Know that on Friday, we will begin at 3pm after school completely stretched and ready to go. We will be giving you a dinner break at 5pm. We will NOT be providing your meal on this day. Please pack/plan accordingly. We have the gym scheduled until 9pm, but if we get done early that would be great!

For Saturday, we will begin at 6am. We will give you breaks throughout to eat snacks, and lunch will be scheduled at 11:00 am. You will have a 30-45 minute lunch break. Our lovely parents will be providing lunch on this day.

Same goes with Saturday; if we work hard and get done early then we can go home early!

Be watching in the next couple days for a post by Veronica stating what you'll wear and a "packing" list.

Some of my expectations for boot camp are:

To do everything full out, unless otherwise instructed. (INCLUDING Alternates!)
To NOT talk. Be respectful and work hard and listen when others are asking questions so Trevor doesn' have to repeat himself. (We want him to say we were the most respectful team he's taught!) Keep in mind how much he is doing for our team, and give him all the energy, effort, and respect he deserves.

Although it is a busy week, I can't wait to see our competition pieces! I know we will all do a great job. Thanks ladies!


If you have not turned in your $18 Lunch Fee, I will be giving demerits starting Tuesday if not turned in.

Also, know that ALL of your sponsors are due unless you have made an arrangement with Chantal.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Matters of Business

We will be having auditions for Dance and Character on this Wednesday during practice. We will learn a combo at the end of practice Tuesday, (from 8-9:05.) On Wednesday you will audition the combo as well as a little acting! Be ready to work hard on Tuesday since we don't have practice Monday!

Boot Camp starts Friday from 3pm-9pm and Saturday from 6am-4pm to learn our Dance and Character Competition Routines. These are MANDATORY. If we work fast and learn quickly and we get done early, then I have no problem releasing you when we get done. On Friday, make sure you bring all you need to school, or you have parent bring you what you need right after. I will have Veronica post a list of things to bring to boot camp as well with what you will be wearing.

Remember that I will be giving out more demerits. If things aren't in by the time due, if items are forgotten in lockers, if you don't practice full out (this goes for alternates as well), missing practice or being late will all result in demerits. So be good!

Soloists, we will meet towards the end of practice next Wednesday (all soloists plus the ones that I am choreographing for.)

My baby's birthday party is Saturday! Come have fun with us!