Stanbury Stallionettes Drill Team


Stallionette members name:_____________________________

Stansbury Stallionette Drill Team Constitution

The purpose of being a Stallionette, is to represent the school and community at regional, State, and National competition; to explore and develop dance technique, etiquette, choreography, competition, and performance aspects; develop leadership qualities along with team qualities, and responsibility of herself and her actions.

  • Grades
You are expected to maintain a 2.5 GPA or higher. No F’s or U’s. Grades will be checked at the end of each term and midterm.
Grades consist of participation in practice and team functions, attitude, dress, work ethic, absences, and any assignments given.
 Initial Here ________________

  • Fees
The member must pay $500.00 for practice gear and uniforms due ASAP.
The class fee will be $40 and needs to be paid at registration.
Camp Fee is $250 and will be due ASAP.
All costumes and comp fees along with makeup and other items will be paid by fundraiser money, unless a certain fundraiser goes directly towards the member by coaches approval.
All Fees will be paid to the finance office. COACHES WILL NOT TAKE MONEY OR PAYMENT, ONLY FINANCE RECEIPTS.
If a member loses a piece of her team gear or any costume pieces, she will be required to pay for items lost, ASAP.

 Initial Here ________________

  • Commitment and Participation
Drill team takes extreme commitment. We have difficulty running a successful team practice or performance without team members being present. You will  be required to participate in Drill Team functions and practices, choreography, games, and Fundraisers.
PRACTICES AND COMPETITIONS- All team members will be required to be at ALL team early morning practices and Competitions. You will not be late to practice or competitions. You will be prepared to work in proper attire.
GAMES-   All games are Mandatory. Homework must be done prior or after the games, not during games. You will only be allowed to sit or stand with your team. Friends may stand around you. Plan on being there the entire game.
FUNDRAISERS- All members need to participate in Fundraisers. They will pay for Costumes, Competition fees, and extra things the team needs. You will need proper excusal by Drill Team Coaches, ahead of time, for conflicts.
If a member is has knowledge of being absent or late to any of these functions, they may use one of 3 Golden Tickets before hand.
UNEXCUSED ABSENCES MAY RESULT IN A WRITE UP. Always contact the coaches before you miss practices, functions, ect. Never tell another member to relay the message.

.    Initial Here ________________

  • Excusals and Drs Notes
You will receive 3 Golden tickets. These will be used when you need to miss practices, games, and fundraisers. If a member is has knowledge of being absent or late to any Drill Team functions, they may use one of 3 Golden Tickets before hand. Excusals may be handled differently for games and fundraisers due to numbers and performances. They will only receive these tickets at the beginning of the summer unless earned at practices and other functions. Those who came in late into the season will have to earn their golden tickets, due to having so much time off, previously..
Not showing up to a practice or function, unless cleared by a coach, will be considered as an unexcused absence. UNEXCUSED ABSENCES MAY RESULT IN A WRITE UP. Always contact the coaches before you miss practices, functions, ect. Never tell another member to relay the message. Parents- Dont call the school and excuse your child from practice.
Dancers must notify the coach directly. If the child misses school or is sick, she is still required to be at practice and take notes. You must also call the schools attendance and get her excused for the day.
Competitions are mandatory and will not be excused with a golden ticket.
All performances are Mandatory, unless using a Golden ticket. If the member misses a performance even if excused, it may result in a strike, due to formation changes and organization.
Our calendar is updated to keep you informed of practices and functions.
Work will not be excused unless you have a golden ticket.
In the case of a sickness or injury, the member must be at all practices and functions unless
it is an emergency or she has given coaches a golden ticket.
If the member is injured, a Drs note is required. If the member is feeling extreme pain, I advise her to sit out. If she sits out for this same injury or multiple other injuries, often, she may be pulled from a routine, due to her injuries. We want them safe and healthy without straining their injuries more.
If your Family has a vacation scheduled, We have a family Vacation pass. This pass is only guaranteed for one week of missing practices. We will not honor it if a competition is being held the week of or if your family will be at home and your member can still be at practice.

Misuse of this ticket will result in a write up.

 Initial Here ________________

  • Practice Attire
Modesty on and off the team please.
Each morning the member will be required to wear a certain practice outfit and shoes.
Hair must be pulled back.No jewelry.Water bottles along with a healthy snack are required.
No Fake nails are allowed. No outrageous hair color unless approved by coaches.
No visible tattoos or body piercings. Be ready at practice time.
Roll will be taken at practice time, 6 am. Be there ready to work, water bottles filled, proper shoes and attire worn and bathroom duties done. We strongly advise to be there 10 in early.

   Initial Here ________________

  • Punishment and Penalties
We have a strike system when a member breaks a rule of our constitution.
We also will give marks against member. 2 marks equals one strike
They get 3 strikes, then a written warning, then probation, than dismissal.
Mark against member example- Wearing the wrong practice gear, not being prepared, being late to an event or practice, goofing off in practice. Ect.
Strike examples- no respect to all team members including coaches, No call no show, unexcused practice,  member or family member talking badly about anyone on the team or the team itself. being caught at other events with an unexcused absence. Breaking some rules in the Constitution may result in an immediate Strike. Ect.
Write up examples- Getting 3 strikes, Un-excuse practices or Functions, or if the offense is serious   
                                                      enough to skip the strike system.
Probation examples- Written warning has been already given, if the offense is serious enough to skip a strike system or a written warning.
Dismissal examples- She has been put on probation already.  Drinking, drugs, or criminal activity, ECT.

A write up is a written letter informing  the parent and member that she has no more chances until she will be put on Probation.
Probation consist of 45 days or if the coach feels more or less time. Any activities that are during this time period, is required by the member to attend with a smile on her face, but not participate in. She will be in uniform or practice gear. She will practice with the team off to the side. She can not participate in Drill Down and routines at competitions if she is on probation. She will never perform while on probation. She will participate in fundraisers. She will not be able to letter, unless she has completed 2 weeks of community service which included a 2 page essay and pictures on her experience. Dismissal will be administered if the member breaks one more rule.
I dont believe in punishing the team for one persons actions. Her actions are her own and she will be held accountable for her actions. Please know that you are on a team and you have to abide by team rules. If a team member breaks a rule and it is serious enough to affect the team, you are required to tell a coach. Coach will never hear just one side of a story and accuse a member until she talk with that member first.
All of this will be confidential.

   Initial Here ________________

  • Costumes
Costumes will be paid for by the Drill Team budget funded by team fundraisers and donations.
All costumes will be returned by the end of the year in full. We reuse these costumes. If they are lost or stolen or misplaced, the member will need to pay for or replace them ASAP.If they are not returned at the end of the year, the member will be required to pay for all items missing.
Members can keep their practice gear, shoes, tights, make-up, ect.
Members need to put their names on tags inside of every costume and gear, she is given.
She will be required to be ready for every competition and performance on time.
We will not pick up any item that is lying around left by a member, so check your stuff when you leave a function and clean up after yourself.

   Initial Here ________________

  • Traveling and Sportsmanship
You must be on time to the bus and any carpool or rides you are with. It is rude to make people wait for you. We will treat every driver with respect and courtesy. We will thank them for the ride and treat them like one of us.
We will discuss judges sheets and performances on the bus ride home.
Members will never be left alone or unattended. You must always tell your coach or officers where you are going and with whom. (Even to the bathroom)
Always be kind and cheerful to opponents and staff.Good things will come our way if we remain positive and say good luck and cheer people on with a smile on your face. Be Genuine.

   Initial Here ________________

  • Technique
I highly encourage all members to take a technique class outside of drill team. Do not let it interfere with drill please. You will need to enroll in their studios. Each member needs to have a technical goal each week until that goal is reached.

   Initial Here ________________

  • Nutrition and Health
No Soda is allowed from May to Feb.The only time We will allow it, is the day of a holiday. That one day. Water or Gatorade is only allowed. Please bring water to practice.
Every week you are required to work out. I want to improve strength, flexibility, and endurance. We will not push you past your boundaries, but We will push them to be able to perform their routines without struggle. Stretching is required from every member  ON HER OWN TIME. Make sure your dancer is getting proper nutrition to prevent injuries and illnesses. Don’t skip breakfast.

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  • Officers
Officers are chosen by coaches. They are given a questionnaire and tryout for the coaches. They must already be a member on the previous team.
Officers should be respected and will show the team respect. They are chosen to lead the team to competitions and other functions. Officers must hold a 3.0 GPA.
Officers are expected to stay in class period for the entire year to carry out officer duties, such as Tryouts, Freshman night, Dance Co Concert, birthdays, ect..
If you have a question, please raise your hand and we will listen and answer you. Please dont speak out without being called on.

   Initial Here ________________

  • Class
All Stallionette members must  add 5th period drill team to their schedule. When the season is over, there will still be class. You will participate in class activities for your grade.

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  • Lettering
To letter in drill team, requirements are-
  • Refrain from probation (unless community service is achieved)
  • Never have an unexcused absence for any drill team functions
  • Fulfilling all obligations as stated in the Stallionette Constitution.
  • Maintaining a 2.5 GPA while being a member of SHS Drill Team

   Initial Here ________________

  • Parents
Please have faith in your coaches abilities. We are constantly putting the team first and are doing a lot of work behind the scenes that you are not aware of. Some things we do, may be different than what youre used to. Our experience with our past teams has led us to make decisions for this team. Please know we are taking care of your daughters. We are trying to teach them life lessons and are having fun by doing so. We want your daughters to be responsible for their actions, so please allow them to come to us before we get upset phone calls from you. It may be a misunderstanding  that we can work out before it gets out of hand. We expect all members to abide by the rules. If there is an issue, that we are aware of, we will call you and let you know. The team needs your support. Please let her vent to you about drill team but make her follow her negative feelings with her positive feelings. Help her understand that there is always a reason behind the decisions we make. We respect all members equally on this team, as we expect the same respect from them and their families. We bond with these girls and we want them to succeed in life. We will try to push them in the right direction, by being a mentor, an example, a friend, and someone who will always listen. In the past we have had some issues with parents being very upset or not liking the way we do things. We are doing our very best to make things as fair as possible and looking out for each individual on this team. If we hear of rumors being spread by you, it may result in a probationary or dismissal act for your daughters. If there is a problem, please come to us first, before the gossip runs wild.
If you need a meeting , we will only meet in an appropriate place within the school and within decent hours. Please talk with us first before complaints to the principal or administration gets a call. It could all be a misunderstanding. Please don’t call us if your daughter is not in a routine.We promise to not play favorites. Everyone in that piece belongs there for a reason.
You will be required to so many hours of fundraising or helping throughout the year. We need a lot of parent support in our fundraisers and this will ease the financial burden for all of you as well.
Your Participation on this team is making sure your daughter is healthy and taken care of, being positive at home about drill team members and the organization Allowing her to take care of her actions with help behind her, Help with fundraisers, any fees your daughter is not able to make on her own, and a lot of crowd cheering and spirit at our performances.

   Initial Here ________________

  • Attitude
Have faith in your coaches. We are looking out for you and your team. I expect everyone to maintain a positive attitude. If a member needs to vent, please talk with a coach or parent about it. Each member is required to say a few positive remarks about drill team following her negative remarks about drill team. You need to end your conversation with a positive ending and not a negative.
  • Parent meetings- If a parent need to resolve an issue with the coaches, the drill team member will need talk with the coaches first. If an issue can not be resolved then we will meet with an Administrator, coaches, drill team member, and parent.
  • No talking bad about others on the team. Noone should ever feel uncomfortable around others. Worry about you first.
  • Smile- Be an example to those around you. Create a positive atmosphere.

   Initial Here ________________

Drill Team Member


Date: ______________________________

Drill Team parent/Guardian


Date :______________________________

Lets have a positive fun year, with many rewards, friends, and fun memories. Only you can make this happen.