Stanbury Stallionettes Drill Team

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Reminders :)

NO Nail polish at Camp! Toes are okay though.
NO JEWELRY (includes bracelets, rings, earrings, necklaces...)
Remember your sister survival kits!
No underwear for performance please, it looks bad!
Bring nude/tan color tights. (We are wearing them for the performance only)
Just a reminder.. You can't wear your jazz shoes outside, EVER.
 Tomorrow for practice you need the following-
  • Hair pulled back in a TIGHT low bun, part from the heart.
  • Nail Polish needs to be off by tomorrow.
  • Practice all technical aspects of our camp dance... (a la seconde turns.. get them down please, we really don't want to change them!! )
Remember to Stretch every night :)
Oh and we didn't talk about this in practice, but I just remember... Don't forget about your "getting to know you" bags for camp :)
Thanks cute girls :)