Stanbury Stallionettes Drill Team

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Getting Ready For a Great Experience!

First, Happy Father's Day to all you wonderful dads!!

Second, Camp is tomorrow!!!!

Hopefully all of you are getting ready and checking your lists twice. :)

Here are some things to remember:
- Physically cross off things that are packed on your packing list
- Double check and triple check
- Make sure you are packing your items in the appropriate bags. The bag you will be carrying with you to UVU needs to have all your dance shoes, water bottle, money, snacks, performance wear (including tights, makeup, bobby pins, safety pins, etc..) and 5 things about you bag, and then any thing else you may need with you.
- Make sure all your costumes, practice gear, dance shoes, warm ups, and bags have your name written in them. This is Very important!
- Remember to bring breakfast or a lot of snacks for Monday; we will not be eating until 1:30.
- Come dance ready and meet at 6:15am outside in your warm ups and walking shoes. Officers will be checking that you are wearing the correct things and that you have packed everything before you can get on a bus. If an important part is missing, a demerit will be given!
- Parents and family, remember that the performances on Monday start at 8:00 pm. Flyer found here.
- Make sure you pack your secret sister gifts!!!
- On the bus ride down, be respectful of the driver. You may talk, but please don't yell or get up from your seats. Chantal will be on the bus with you, so I will hear how it goes. :) Take this time and get to know your new Co-Coach!
- Remember the expectations I have for you at camp. Don't forget to listen, be respectful, and work hard. Remember to be courteous to your teachers, fellow campers, and guests at UVU and the hotel. We can have fun, but be mindful of 0thers. (Merits and Demerits will be given for behavior as well!)
- Come ready with a big SMILE and ready to have a fantastic experience! I want to see all of you try your best no matter what, and push yourself to center front in every class!

P.S. Please, if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to text or call me or your officers. I'd rather have everyone be over prepared and 100% knowledgeable, then to be under prepared. I don't mind questions.. my theory is: no question is a stupid question.

We are READY!