Stanbury Stallionettes Drill Team

Monday, August 1, 2011

Clearing Up Fundraiser Confusion

Some of you still had questions about our facebook fundraiser. Again, the link can be found in out fundraiser tab up top or on our facebook page. It is:

You are paying $20.00 for a $50 gift certificate. When you print it out, it states that a $50 purchase is required to use.

This does not mean you will be spending $70. You will pay your $20 for your $50 gift certificate. At the restaurant, you will need to order $50 worth of food, but you will only have to give them your $20 gift certificate. So you are eating $50 worth of food for $20, which is awesome! For those of you that have bigger families, $20 is so much cheaper to spend on dinner! Remember that once your gift certificate is printed, you cannot split your $50 gift certificate up between two different occasions- it all has to be used at once.

However, it states here that: "The donor can choose two split their gift code into two $25 gift certificates and enjoy dinner at two different places." I'm assuming this can be done at checkout. So this is always an option if you'd rather have two smaller gift cards.

Sostanza is the only restaurant in Tooele this is offered for. There are a bunch in SLC area and in other areas- but $20 for your family to eat at Sostanza is a killer deal!

I hope this clears up any confusion. Let me know if you have any further questions.