Stanbury Stallionettes Drill Team

Saturday, October 29, 2011

This Upcoming Week

This upcoming week:

We will be practicing Monday morning at 7am (officers at 6am). We will go until 9:30. (Officers will stay after). Where your usual Monday attire.

I'm not sure if there is a pep assembly- I will let you know as soon as I get word.

We will be doing the kickathon at the next football halftime. The game is this Friday at 5pm again. Please begin getting your pledges/spreading the word. We will get the info and paperwork to you on Tuesday.
*This is more a filler than a fundraiser, but please still try your best to get committed pledges!

Saturday practice 6am-10:30am. (Wahoo right?! Oh yaaah...)

Have a fabulous rest of your weekend. Relax and remember those things we need you to be working on. We have been working so hard- I promise all the time and effort will pay off! I know you girls are wonderful and I have complete faith that we can reach all our goals for this year! You have improved tremendously and are a very talented bunch! Love ya and keep up the great work!