Stanbury Stallionettes Drill Team

Monday, October 17, 2011

Hazen Dates

Since our Football Team is ridiculously AWESOME, we now have a game on October 28th which means we had to reschedule our Hazens Pics AGAIN. (I know I know... I'm feelin' it too!) If our football team continues to win, all the following Fridays will be booked. So please fix the following on your calendars!!!

We will be taking our Hazen's pictures on
Tuesday, November 8th
beginning at 3pm

Our Hazen Proof's will be
Wednesday, November 16th
beginning at 3pm

Remember that they will be coming to us; these will be taken at the High School. This is final and mandatory. That gives you four weeks to clear your schedules! :)

Thank you for your patience!