Tuesday, April 24, 2012
5th Period Trick Teaching Dates
I have now posted what days each of you will be teaching your trick on the calendar. Rememer you need to come ready to teach/take up 25 minutes of 5th period. Think of counts, hints, or key words to help demonstrate and teach your trick. I will no longer remind you, so it is your job to look on the calendar and know your day! Remember, this is a part of your grade!
Thanks ladies!
Monday, April 23, 2012
Please remember the following due dates:
- By this Wednesday night I need to have your commitment to camp. Everyone needs to email, text, or facebook message me on whether you will be attending camp or not. This is Mandatory. If any drop out after this date, you will still need to pay a $50 camp fee.
- On Monday, April 30th your conflict calendars are due for June, July and August. Please try to get your planning for the summer as complete as possible by Monday so I can plan accordingly.
- On Thursday, May 3rd your Zumbathon money is due to the finance office. It is mandatory to sell 8 tickets. Please, let me know before hand if you are having troubles finding 8 people. There are always dancers that maybe know of more people to help you out. Remember, the bigger and better we make these fundraisers, the less we will have to do!!! Let's put all our effort into making our big fundraisers a HUGE success!!!
- On Friday, May 4th all of your receipts are due to Heidi. No exceptions. A penalty will be given for any dancers that do not have their receipts Friday morning and/or didn't sell all their tickets.
Event Reminders:
- Officers, remember we have a meeting at 5pm at my house (Kamie's.) We will have supplies for you. Don't be late!
- Next week is a practice week with practices at 6am. Now that you've had a week to get the hang of things, if you are late, it'll cost you and the team laps! On Tuesday and Thursday next week we will be practicing out on the track/field. So please dress appropriately.
- The Zumbathon or "Zumba De Mayo" is on Saturday, May 5th at 6:30pm. Drill members will need to be at the SHS big gym at 6pm.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Miss Tooele City
This week has been a great practice week. All of our members have worked really hard and have shown great dedication. I am so excited for this year.
In watching the talent level and abilities of our dancers, I have decided that the lyrical we were going to have the new members learn is simply too beginning for our team this year. I've pushed our team a lot with our dance routine and in seeing their work ethic and potential, I believe the best thing to do is start over and choreograph for the team we have this year. It will be very stylized, emotional, and of course, technical. This decision I thought hard about. I want to help get this team as far as they can this year and I strongly believe by doing a new, more advanced lyrical, we can accomplish that. Returning members; know that the time you spent on lyrical was never wasted time. EVERYTHING is a learning experience and I believe you have all grown by practicing and perfecting the movement and emotion in that routine. Every dance, every turn, every step, every run through- helps you as a dancer for now and for your future careers.
Drill members; we will no longer be posting a video on facebook for you to learn. Instead, over our dead week, I'd like you to practice hard on the sections you have learned of our dance routine and really hit your stretching and technique training hard. By doing this homework, we won't be missing out on any needed practice time. We will post a video of you girls doing the dance routine on a facebook page so you can watch and practice over the week.
I'm so excited to choreograph our dance and lyrical routines for our team this year; know that YOU will be great! Continue the hard work!
2012-2013 Officers
Monday, April 16, 2012
snack foods to eat at practice
Make sure you drink a lot of water throughout practice and the day. It will, at first, make you want to use the rest room, but you'll get used to it. When you sweat, you lose water and salt from your body. Replacing that is very important. Powerade and drinks like that replenish this a little faster, but be careful to not drink to much, because it can give you kidney stones. Water is always a great thing.
*Nuts are a great source of protein and healthy fat. Almonds are the very best, but I
like trail mix too. Be careful of your salt in take, cause you don't want to get
dehydrated. Drink water and lots of it.
*Peanut butter or meat sandwiches. Put these in a zip lock and piece it apart when you
get a break at practice.
*Fruit and veggies. I buy the big bag of frozen fruit and put it in a container. That
way it stays cold and it feels more like a treat.
*Whole grain crackers or fig newtons. These aren't my favorite choices but they are
better than starving or eating high sugar. Also, be careful when they say fat free,
because most of the time it has added sugar.
*oatmeal. i know a little harder to bring to class, but a great breakfast.
*Whole wheat bread or bagels. Put some cream cheese on this and you've got a protein
whole grain mix.
*Pretzels. Again, be careful of the salt.
I hope this helps. If there is anything else i can post, i will. I hope you understand this, and its not too confusing. Doing this will help prevent injuries. Thanks so much
Friday, April 13, 2012
Get to know you party.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Showcase Photos
Also, I was notified later that another photographer came and took pictures as well. How great! Her link is:
Thank you photographers!
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Get To Know You Party
Here are some important dates to put on your calendar:
Wednesday, April 11th is our parent/member meeting @ 7pm. We will be discussing alot of important things at this meeting so it is mandatory for the member and one parent to attend. Exact location TBA.
Friday, April 13th is our get to know you party! Dancers only, time and location tba. (Yes, the date was changed from the 20th due to prom.)
Then the 16th-20th (m-f) of April is our first week of early morning practice, 6am-7:30am.
The calendar on the blog is a great way for you to see our practices and events.
I will post when it gets closer to the events the final details. Thanks and have a wonderful break!
Friday, March 30, 2012
2012-2013 Stallionettes
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Tryout Results
We will be posting The results at the drill trophy case at 7:30 am. You don't have to be there exactly at that time. We are not having a meeting directly after, but we do have something to give you, if you've made the team. We will post the results on the blog, later that day for everyone to see. We'd like you to find out tomorrow morning though, before the world knows.So come tomorrow morning. Thank you
We will be posting results on the drill team trophy case, Friday morning at 7:30.
If your name is on the list, please meet in the small gym directly afterward.
Thank You for trying out. We appreciate all of you.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Year End Show Bake Sale
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Stallionette Studs
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Mini Drill Details
Remember that you can still sign up mini drill girls. The deadline is Tuesday when the Mini Drill Clinic begins. Keep finding those girls!!! Every little bit counts!
We need all of you to be there each day BY 4:45pm. I want you to all look the same so the girls can find you; so please wear the following:
- Tuesday: Black dance pants and black stallionette top
- Wednesday: Black dance pants and blue zebra top
- Thursday: Black dance pants and jersy top
*Please have your hair pulled back in a pony all three days so we look clean, professional, and similar.
Veronica and Katie will be running this event. They will be signing girls in and making sure everything is running smoothly. If there is a problem, talk with one of them at the clinic and they can help you or find the answer.
Here are your Mini Drill Groups:
- 4-6 yrs old: Janica, Maddie , Hailey Paige, Caitlyn, Megan (Big Gym)
- 7-9 yrs old: Emily, Sarah, Aly, Chloe, Kendra, Emma (Big Gym)
- 10 and up: Jessica, Kylie, Maggie, Erin, Olivia (Small Gym)
From 5:00-6:00pm on Tuesday and Wednesday you will be in your designated groups teaching the routines. Your officers are choreographing and teaching the routines. During these times you may/will need to break from time to time to let the girls have a water break, play duck duck goose, etc.. But please make sure you use your time wisely. (Officers- try to get all material taught on the first two days so the third can be a review/dress rehearsal. With younger girls, remember to teach full out all the time; absolutely no marking. It confuses the girls and/or will make them learn incorrectly.Also make sure you bring your own boom box/speakers.) On Tuesday morning during our drill practice, I will let you get in your groups for a couple minutes and show the choreography, discuss any plans you have, etc..
From 6:00-6:30pm on Tuesday and Wednesday you will be gathering the entire group together to learn the last group dance in the Main Gym. During this time, make sure you are standing not only on the outsides, but throughout the middle so the girls can watch you and see. Please dance the routine full out every time- they will copy exactly what you do.
From 6:30-7:00 on Tuesday and Wednesday you will rotate into your Technique Age Groups. Each group will divide into these halves:
- Paige and Chloe: 4-5 yrs old
- Megan and Hailey: 6 yrs old
- Aly and Emma: 7-8 yrs old
- Caitlyn and Kendra: 9 yrs old
- Olivia and Maggie: 10-11 yrs old
- Erin: 12 and up
On Tuesday the above technique groups will follow the rotation below. You will spend 10 minutes in each technique group:
Janica/kicks/east main gym: Cailtyn and Kendra
Maddie/turns/north main gym: Olivia and Maggie
Kylie/leaps/south main gym: Aly and Emma
Emily/headstands/south small gym: Paige and Chloe
Sarah/Flexibility/west main gym: Erin
Jessica/Drill Down/north small gym: Megan and Hailey
Janica/kicks/east main gym: Megan and Hailey
Maddie/turns/north main gym: Caitlyn and Kendra
Kylie/leaps/south main gym: Olivia and Maggie
Emily/headstands/south small gym: Aly and Emma
Sarah/Flexibility/west main gym: Paige and Chloe
Jessica/Drill Down/north small gym: Erin
Janica/kicks/east main gym: Erin
Maddie/turns/north main gym: Megan and Hailey
Kylie/leaps/south main gym: Caitlyn and Kendra
Emily/headstands/south small gym: Olivia and Maggie
Sarah/Flexibility/west main gym: Aly and Emma
Jessica/Drill Down/north small gym: Paige and Chloe
Wednesday Technique rotation:
Janica/kicks/east main gym: Paige and Chloe
Maddie/turns/north main gym: Erin
Kylie/leaps/south main gym: Megan and Hailey
Emily/headstands/south small gym: Caitlyn and Kendra
Sarah/Flexibility/west main gym: Olivia and Maggie
Jessica/Drill Down/north small gym: Aly and Emma
Janica/kicks/east main gym: Aly and Emma
Maddie/turns/north main gym: Paige and Chloe
Kylie/leaps/south main gym: Erin
Emily/headstands/south small gym: Megan and Hailey
Sarah/Flexibility/west main gym: Caitlyn and Kendra
Jessica/Drill Down/north small gym: Olivia and Maggie
Janica/kicks/east main gym: Olivia and Maggie
Maddie/turns/north main gym: Aly and Emma
Kylie/leaps/south main gym: Paige and Chloe
Emily/headstands/south small gym: Erin
Sarah/Flexibility/west main gym: Megan and Hailey
Jessica/Drill Down/north small gym: Caitlyn and Kendra
Thursday, will be a Review Day. From 5:00-6:30pm you will review in your groups. 6:30-7:00 will be a "dress rehearsal" run-through with all the girls (running on and off, etc..)
*Please make sure you are knowledgeable of the above information. Print this post out so you can refer to it often. Keep track of time when you're in your groups, but don't rotate until Katie or Veronica shout to do so. Tell your dancers to bring water bottles and appropriate shoes! We will discuss any other information needed at practice.
Thank you and lets have a great mini drill clinic!!!
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Mini Drill Due Date Info
This Friday: Your money is due to the finance office and sign up sheets need to be turned into Heidi.
Monday: Receipts are due to Kamie.
Hope this helps- I hear many of you are doing a fantastic job getting girls signed up for Mini Drill! Keep up the good work!
P.S. Don't forget to promote our Workshop next week!
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Bear Making Party
Of course, we can't do that unless we do our big events BIG! So, with that said, we will be selling ballerina/dance bears at our mini drill clinic.
I did this once before with my last drill team when we hosted a drill competition, and they were a HIT! (And that was with teenage girls, think about how well they will sell with little girls!)
We buy $1 teddy bears, different colors of tule, then make tutu's and bows for the bears- resulting in ballerina bears!!
So, we are having a mandatory ballerina bear making party! Here is the info:
Kamie's House
Friday, March 9th
We will have snacks and drinks. We will have a blast making these bears together! You don't need to bring anything, just yourself! With all 22 hands, we will get a ton made in no time! Maybe we can even watch a fun dance movie while we're making! It will be oh so fun. :)
Like I said, this is MANDATORY. Please try and get your schedule cleared.
(If you have done EVERYTHING you possibly can to clear your night and you still cannot come, you will need to take home 10 bears and make them on your own and turn them in Monday the 12th at practice)
Yay for making fun bears! I [know these will sell GREAT!
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Mini drill
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Practices Next Week
Next week we will begin learning our lyrical routine for the year end showcase and for competitions next year! For the next couple weeks, we will only have practice starting at 6:30am on Silver days. We will not practice on blue days. (That's right, you ladies deserve to sleep in- you have worked so hard this year!) However, if I feel we aren't learning enough quick enough, I will add some early mornings.
We will begin early morning practices everyday again in a couple weeks- we only have 5 weeks until our showcase! After our showcase, you will have two months of no early morning! (Yay!)
I am so proud of you and I can't wait to end this year with an AMAZING showcase! Let's have fun these next couple of weeks and finish strong. Love all of you!
P.S. You need to have your class dances choreographed by February 22nd (Wednesday). We will begin learning them the following practice.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
State is this Saturday at UVU in Orem (where our first competition was held.) There is no charge for parking at the UCCU Center. Ticket prices are: adults $6.00 seniors $4.00 students $4.00 and kids 5 and younger are free.
Competition begins at 9am. 3A faces east. Doors open two hours prior to competition start time. You are not allowed to save seats. Spectators will sit in the lower bowl seats and teams will sit in the upper bowl.
UCCU does not allow outside food, but there are yummy concessions.
For dancers:
We will be meeting at the high school Saturday morning at 5:20. Bus will leave promptly at 5:30am. Hair needs to be mostly done with basic makeup applied.
Wear warm ups and
black tees and tights.
You will need to bring money for lunch AND dinner. (They do not provide lunch at state, but there are yummy concessions I will let you eat at. Coaches will bring some water and snacks.
I do not have the lineup, but I will get that to you as soon as I receive it.
I'm so excited! State is going to be great!
Sunday, January 29, 2012
State is the last chance for us to prove ourselves! We have had a great year so far lets finish it off even better! Take care of yourself and be prepared to rock it on Saturday!!
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Fantastic Region Results
5th in Military, 4th in Dance, and 1ST in Character! (Ya baby!) We reached our goal and I am so incredibly proud.
State here we come! We all know our goal at state? (I KNOW we can reach that goal!!!) We are going to do amazing! I can't believe competition season is almost over. It's been an amazing year; lets finish STRONG!
Love you ladies!
Friday, January 20, 2012
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Quote for REGION!! :D
”We either make ourselves miserable,
or we make ourselves strong.
The amount of work is the same.”
- Carlos Castaneda
Alright ladies! Region is in TWO days!! This is what we've been working for! Keep up the hard work, we're almost there! Love you all!
Monday, January 16, 2012
This Week
Tuesday: Mandatory after school practice from 2:45pm-5:30pm
Wednesday: Boys Basketball Game: headstand competition
Friday: Boys Basketball Game: Military
Saturday: REGION!!!
Veronica will be posting what to wear to school this week.
Partial Spectator Information for Region
Region competition be held this Saturday, January 21 at Ben Lomond High School at 5:00pm. They ask that spectators do not arrive prior to 3pm as the doors will not open until then.
I do not have prices yet.
This is our BIGGEST competition of the year! Try to get all your friends and family to come support. Please come in stallion gear, sit together, and cheer super loud!!!
I will post remaining information as soon as I get it!
Region Info for Team
All of our hard work, every early morning practice, EVERY MINUTE of our time has been working towards this moment! We are going to do fantastic- I just know it!
We will be meeting at the high school to leave for Region on Saturday at 10:50am (please eat before you come; we will be bringing some "lunch snacks" for you but eat a healthy, hearty meal before you come!) Bus will leave promptly at 11:00am.
Each team has a 45 minute practice time on the school floor. Our scheduled practice time is from 1:30-2:15pm. We will get ready for competition after our scheduled time.
Although we have some time before the competition starts at 5pm, you'll be surprised at how quickly the time will go by. So, please come with your hair completely done before you get on the bus. You do not need your makeup on, we will touch up hair and makeup after our practice time. Since we will be practicing, please come in your blue zebra top, black practice pants, warm ups and black top; you do not need to come in your tights. *Make sure you bring your tights and headband!
I do not have the competition order yet, but it will still be military, dance, then character. These will be QUICK changes since there are only 7 teams competing! We have to be completely ready to go by the time competition begins, because during we'll only have time to change and get to the door to walk on! For our character, I need you to get with you partner and help each other get ready quickly. (Beaks and everything!)
Please bring clean snacks, water, and money for dinner!
That's it! Let's show em' what we're made of! We are THE awesome STALLIONETTES! ;)
I will post the competition schedule and any other details they may give me when I receive the information.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Awards So Far
Murray Classic ~ January 14th, 2012
- 3rd place in Military
- 4th place in Dance (tied for 3rd with Payson)
- 3rd place in Character (tied for 2nd with Payson)
- Against 6 teams in above divisions
- 3rd place in Officers
- 3rd place in Hip Hop
- Overall Showmanship award of 1A/3A/4A!!!
- 3rd place overall in all dances
- Veronica 1st place in drill down!
- 4th place Dance
- 4th place Character
- 5th place Military
- 3rd place Overall in all dances
- Against 9 teams
UVU Invitational ~ December 3, 2011
- 2nd place (tied for first with Dixie) out of 10 teams in Character!
- 2nd place in Officer's (Janica's choreography!)
Friday, January 13, 2012
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Mandatory Practice Tomorrow After School
Many of you should already have this time scheduled since it was originally hip hop practice. We will no longer be holding hip hop practice tomorrow, but we will run it a couple times at the end of practice. This is now a mandatory TEAM practice.
I know you all have been working hard, but now is when we need to push and give all we've got. AFTER competitions we can relax. We only have a couple more weeks of competition!!! (Unless we make it to state!!! Oh ya)
Please come ready to work HARD in practice tomorrow- be dedicated and give 110% over the next two days and of course at competition too!!
I have also scheduled the following night practices for next week (the week of Region):
Tuesday, January 17th from 2:45pm - 5:30pm
Thursday, January 19th from 2:45pm - 5:30pm
*If practices Monday through Thursday morning goes well and exceeds my expectations, we will not have the Thursday night practice. So work hard!!!
Now that you slept in today, please practice hard tomorrow and Friday so we don't waste our time! If we have to practice, we may as well practice right???!!! YES!
We can do this- I KNOW what you're capable of! Let's do it together! Wahoo!
Monday, January 9, 2012
This is our last invitational competition, so lets all put 110% into every practice! Remember your goals and live up to them. Lets work hard and come away, Saturday, with no regrets!
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Friday Solo Comp for Murray
The Solo Competition starts at 5:30pm with awards to begin around 9:00pm at Murray High School in the auditorium.
Cost is $5 per person.
If riding in the suburban, we will be meeting at the high school at 3:30pm so we can get down there and eat dinner before the competition starts. (You will need to bring money)
We will be driving home that night when the competition ends.
Please let me know asap if you want a ride as I am sure the seats will fill up quickly! I have room for 7 girls.
Thanks and GO EMILY!!!!
Team Competition Information
Here is the last packing list that Jessica posted on the blog from our last competition, (Jessica, please add anything if needed!) Double and triple check that you have everything the night before! Veronica will be posting what you will wear to school on Friday.
Hip Hop is first followed by Officers. FINALLY, we're not very first at the competition! WHEW! We will be discussing hair for these dances this week.
Please make sure you use the buddy system and you ALWAYS ask a coach if you need to go anywhere.
*Remember to bring money for dinner!!!!!
We will have our own dressing room (classroom). At this competition, it states that we can bring a Team Cooler , but it cannot be brought into our dressing room. It may be kept in the hallway by our dressing room door. ONLY water bottles are allowed along with "Non messy" snacks for our team. We will be bringing a cooler with water bottles for you ladies. :)
Here are the classroom (dressing room) rules:
- No food or drink inside classrooms (water is ok if precautions are taken, especially in classrooms with computers!!!)
- Please do not bring glitter into rooms.
- Be respectful of property inside classroom, do not touch what is not yours!
- Please leave classroom exactly as you found it!
- Be careful when applying makeup to not make a mess!
Competition Info for Parents & Spectators
This competition will be fantastic because it's MUCH closer to us! This Saturday is our Murray Classic Competition held at Murray High School.
Saturday's Team Competition prices are: Adults (age 19+) $10, Students (ages 6-18) and Senior Citizens (age 65+) are $8. Children 5yrs. and younger are FREE.
Team competition starts at 8:30am with awards around 8:00pm.
Click here to see the competition schedule and our list of performance times. Each dancer will receive a print out with this information tomorrow at practice.
The competition info states that they have some wonderful vendors coming with a lot of COOL things for you to check out and know that there will be a "boutique" for you to shop at during the long day. :-)
Please send your daughter with money as either they will purchase dinner at the competition or be stopping and getting food when it ends. Your daughter WILL have a lunch provided by the competition. I deeply apologize for the confusion at Delta; in an email Delta informed me that the "team lunch will be held just 2 mins from the dressing rooms", so I took that as them providing a team lunch. (As we all know, that wasn't the case!)
Hopefully that covers all the questions you may have on your end. Thanks and I'm looking forward to seeing all of you!
Jen's Technique Class
Please HIGHLY consider- what a wonderful way to improve and have a great time!Info on Jen's Technique!
Hey ladies,I hope that you both had a wonderful holiday break. I just wanted to let you know that my technique class begins again tomorrow for the semester. Classes will be on mondays again from 2:30-4, and the cost is $10/ class. If you get a chance to let your girls know tomorrow, that would be so appreciated! Thank you ladies,Jen
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Tami Larson is a BIG dance name in Utah and she is always the one putting on dance workshops with So You Think You Can Dance Contestants. Here is a solo competition for those of you that didn't get to do as many or any drill solo comps. This may interest you!
Dear Dancers & Parents,Ready or not - Competition Season is here! Attached are solo, duet, trio & quad entry forms and information on all of the spring Utah Dance Championships competitions! If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at any time!!!For those of you that have not heard - I sold my studio last year and now I can dedicate all my time and efforts into making DanceLink competitions and workshops even better!!!!Click on the link below to open the entry form in a printable pdf:You can also enter online at www.DanceLink.netThanks for your interest and support!!
Tami Larson801-540-7217DanceLink.net
My Email
Friday, January 6, 2012
MVD!! :D
- She is always working hard!
- She boost the team morale!
- She is just all around wonderful, and we would be lost without her!
Thursday, January 5, 2012
"Everyday do something that will inch you to a better tomorrow"-Doug Firebaugh
Don't waste days:) Always practice something, even if its something small! Everything you do will help you improve:)
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Monday, January 2, 2012
Grade Turn In
Grade Reminder
You receive a maximum of 10 pts per item per week:
- Attendance
- Participation
- Performance
- Dress
- Attitude
This Week
- Mandatory Hip Hop Practice Tuesday AND Wednesday, 3-5 after school.
- Wednesday is a Home Basketball Game against Tooele. This is mandatory and which dance we're performing is TBA.
- Swimming @ Grantsville on Thursday
- Wrestling @ Home on Thursday
- Friday Wrestling @ Tooele