Stanbury Stallionettes Drill Team

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Friday Solo Comp for Murray

Our wonderful Emily is competing this Friday! I am scheduling the suburban again, so remember that it is first come first serve on who gets to ride down with us to attend the solo competition. Please let me know asap if you want a ride!

The Solo Competition starts at 5:30pm with awards to begin around 9:00pm at Murray High School in the auditorium.

Cost is $5 per person.

If riding in the suburban, we will be meeting at the high school at 3:30pm so we can get down there and eat dinner before the competition starts. (You will need to bring money)

We will be driving home that night when the competition ends.

Please let me know asap if you want a ride as I am sure the seats will fill up quickly! I have room for 7 girls.

Thanks and GO EMILY!!!!