Stanbury Stallionettes Drill Team

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Competition Info for Parents & Spectators

Can you believe our last invitational competition is here?! We have loved having you come to our first two and LOVE to hear the cheers as the girls take the floor! Of course, we would love to have you all again! Thanks for your continued support!

 This competition will be fantastic because it's MUCH closer to us! This Saturday is our Murray Classic Competition held at Murray High School.

 Saturday's Team Competition prices are: Adults (age 19+) $10, Students (ages 6-18) and Senior Citizens (age 65+) are $8. Children 5yrs. and younger are FREE.

Team competition starts at 8:30am with awards around 8:00pm.

Click here to see the competition schedule and our list of performance times. Each dancer will receive a print out with this information tomorrow at practice.

Public will NOT be allowed into the building until 7:30am on Saturday, Jan. 14th. Park on the SOUTH side of the school and enter through the Glass doors on the WEST leading into the gymnasium.

The competition info states that they have some wonderful vendors coming with a lot of  COOL things for you to check out and know that there will be a "boutique" for you to shop at during the long day. :-)

Please send your daughter with money as either they will purchase dinner at the competition or be stopping and getting food when it ends. Your daughter WILL have a lunch provided by the competition. I deeply apologize for the confusion at Delta; in an email Delta informed me that the "team lunch will be held just 2 mins from the dressing rooms", so I took that as them providing a team lunch. (As we all know, that wasn't the case!)

Hopefully that covers all the questions you may have on your end. Thanks and I'm looking forward to seeing all of you!