First of all, it is very important you eat something substantial before practice, like whole grain anything or eggs. Don't make it to heavy and full of fat, because the fat doesn't digest as fast as other things, and it might make you feel sick. Sugar foods, like pop tarts and candy and such things, will spike up your insulin levels, which will give you energy, but it will crash those levels just as fast. Whole grain and protein maintains these levels, so you wont have crashes. Eat 5 or 6 small meals a day and balance out your food ( grain, veggie or fruit and protein in every meal). You can still eat the candy and stuff, just not during practice time.
Make sure you drink a lot of water throughout practice and the day. It will, at first, make you want to use the rest room, but you'll get used to it. When you sweat, you lose water and salt from your body. Replacing that is very important. Powerade and drinks like that replenish this a little faster, but be careful to not drink to much, because it can give you kidney stones. Water is always a great thing.
*Nuts are a great source of protein and healthy fat. Almonds are the very best, but I
like trail mix too. Be careful of your salt in take, cause you don't want to get
dehydrated. Drink water and lots of it.
*Peanut butter or meat sandwiches. Put these in a zip lock and piece it apart when you
get a break at practice.
*Fruit and veggies. I buy the big bag of frozen fruit and put it in a container. That
way it stays cold and it feels more like a treat.
*Whole grain crackers or fig newtons. These aren't my favorite choices but they are
better than starving or eating high sugar. Also, be careful when they say fat free,
because most of the time it has added sugar.
*oatmeal. i know a little harder to bring to class, but a great breakfast.
*Whole wheat bread or bagels. Put some cream cheese on this and you've got a protein
whole grain mix.
*Pretzels. Again, be careful of the salt.
I hope this helps. If there is anything else i can post, i will. I hope you understand this, and its not too confusing. Doing this will help prevent injuries. Thanks so much