This is a great service project and it would be great for you girls to show your support. Let's start early by building great relationships and school spirit!
*Many of you have demerits. I have only given out about 6 secret merits. I will inform you if you start to get dangerously close in demerit number. Although there is no one close as of now, many of you are already heading down that path. Demerits are not to be taken lightly; they are a serious punishment and can result to non-lettering, probation, or dismissal.
Demerits will continue to be given if the wrong practice wear is worn. Please review our constitution on what warrants receiving a demerit. Please understand the severity and take advantage of the merit opportunities.
With that said, I will not tolerate "building up merits" in order to slack off . If this isn't taken seriously and/or the constitution rules and standards aren't being upheld, that dancer will receive punishment.
I know we will NOT have a problem with this because you all our fantastic and wonderful!! :)
Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you!