Each girl is required to sell 8 restaurant.com cards. This may seem like a lot, but you will have until October 1st to complete. You have 2 months to sell 8 cards- that's only 4 per month!
You have all the information you need on facebook. You will send your buyer to our facebook fundraiser page at http://apps.facebook.com/fiftygiftcard/?fund_id=192459 or, to make it easier, give them our blog address shsdrill.blogspot.com and have them click through our fundraiser tab up top. All money will be donated online- you will not have to collect anything. Make sure you have them leave a comment on our fundraiser page of which dancer they went through so you get the credit, or make sure you tell me.
This really is a GREAT deal. Pay $20 to receive a $50 restaurant gift card?! INCREDIBLE!!!
Just because you have two months to complete it, doe not mean you should procrastinate. If any of you can sell all of your cards by September 1st, I will give you merits! So, get going!