-First, I just want to say how great our practice was today! Keep stretching everyday and working hard and we are going to be FANTASTIC!
-As discussed in practice today, if your are gone on vacation or home sick from practice, you will be placed as an automatic alternate in the routine we are practicing. (An alternate will be placed in your spot.) It is your job to learn what you missed and show me that you deserve that spot back.
-If you sit out during practice for any reason, an alternate will get placed in your spot and you will become an automatic alternate. Again, you can earn it back by working hard and learning what was missed while sitting.
-If you are injured or sick, you are now required to write a 1 page paper about things you learned from observing on combos/skills/technique. If you do bullets on each line, you are required to write on the front and back of your paper, making it a 2 page paper. The other girls earn their points by dancing and working hard, you will earn your points by taking notes and learning from the sides.
-Ladies, make sure you keep your makeup in a cool, safe place and that you leave it in the bag. We don't want anything lost!
-Remember that your $10 technique money is due BY Wednesday, receipts to me by Thursday.
- There will be no practice on Friday. Plan on every week being Monday-Thursday unless otherwise stated.
-Our carwash is this Saturday! More information to come!
-Lastly remember you can wear your gore boots to practice in, black or tan. Please give your sizes to Chantal tomorrow- we will be ordering competition tan gore boots.
Thanks! (Jessica, fill in anything else that was said during practice today- thanks!)