- Black Jazz Pants WITHOUT holes, and hemmed.
- White Sparkly Biketard
- White Sparly Gloves
- Sparkly Sports Bra
- Body Tights
- Black Jazz shoes
- Military Top
- Unitard
- Sports Bra
- Body Tights
- Black Jeazz Shoes
- Blue Dress
- Silver shorts
- Tutu
- Body Tights
- Sports Bra
- Marcea's
- Hairspray
- Gel
- Bobbypins (Large, Medium, and small)
- Hairnets
- Elastics (Large and Small)
- Comb & Brush (You most likely won't need them, but just in case.)
- Base (Even if you don't normally wear it..)
- Performance Make-up
- Anything else you might need to apply your make-up...
- Safety Pins
- Small Snacks