Stanbury Stallionettes Drill Team

Monday, June 13, 2011

Reminders :)

All Donut Receipts, technique receipts, get to know you forms, are DUE tomorrow. If you don't turn it in, demerits will be given. So turn them in :)
PLEASE Get your Risk Forms for Camp signed and turned in by WEDNESDAY.
If you have any old jazz shoes please bring them to practice so those girls who don't have any can have some to practice in!
$3.00 Due Wednesday so we can purchase a picture CD at camp.
Bring a notebook AND something to write with tomorrow. We will be talking about a whole lot of camp business!!

Survival Kits for your sister!
 -Mints! (I was thinking, Colgate wisp things might be a good idea as well.)
- Band-Aids!
-Hair Ties (They need to match your sisters hair color!)
-Safety Pins
- Bobby Pins
and a little stuff something, like a teddy bear, bunny, or their favorite animal something along those lines :)
When Janica did this last year she fit it all in a water bottle, but if you can't, a small bag works too! :)
If you have any questions about it feel free to ask me or Janica! :)
Thanks cute Girls! :)