Stanbury Stallionettes Drill Team

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


It was so great meeting all of you parents last night! Thank you for all your input and ideas, I know that this year is going to be fantastic because all of you are so supportive. It will be fun to work with all of you more.
I just have a couple of remiders of my own.
First, remember that our $10 for technique is due tomorrow. (Thursday)
Second, note that in our minutes from the meeting that was sent to all of you by Karla, that the 2 day Boot Camp has changed from September 2nd and 3rd, to September 9th and 10th. (Just one week later, still on a Friday night and Saturday morning/afternoon.
Girls, please make sure you are practicing your camp dance tonight and tomorrow since we won't be working on it tomorrow.
Be practicing your specialty items in the dance such as your:
a la secondes
fan kicks
and my leg extension girls at the beginning.

Thank you everyone and I am so excited about this year. We have a great bunch of girls and great parents to support- Shannah really left me in a great spot. Have a great Wednesday!