Stanbury Stallionettes Drill Team

Thursday, January 30, 2014

State Info

Bus will leave at 5:50 am. Please bring your checklist so we can leave on time. Even if you are not in the dances, please bring every item on that list.
Bring  a water bottle too. We will provide lunch, but please bring snacks and money for dinner. I would say around $15 to $20 just in case.we will eat lunch at 1130
We are only allowed to sit with the team, not the parents.
Coaches mtg is at 8 am.Shoe music check is at 7-8 am

Parents.Comp starts at 9 am
No Saving Seats
No outside food or drink
You can buy tickets 90 min prior to comp, but cant go in till 60 min before.
Please, bring your cheers and spirit.WE LOVED THAT. It Was fab.
You can also purchase tickets online at
prices- Adults $8, grades k-12 $4, 65 and older $4. 5 and younger free



No Regrets, Stallionettes. You can do Hard Things!!!!!!