Movie night Saturday! Yay!
Remember to be at my house at 5pm and bring $2.00 each for pizza. (I know I said $3 today, but I think we'd be ok with $2.00 each!) If you are bringing a side dish or drinks, then you don't need to bring any money!!!
Bring any dance movies you'd like. We will watch drill videos, fun coach videos, and then possibly finish it off with a fab movie!
Address is 238 west Alfred Drive Tooele. If you are coming down main street (from Stansbury) turn R on 1000 N (right before Wendy's/Walkers) take your first L, go all the way around the bend and then take your first R (on Alfred Drive) then just look for my house number, I'll be on the R side of the street! You should see my car in the driveway, and there's a wreath on the door.
See you all there!