time: 6-9 this Friday
place: Kylie's house:) ~1193 Cedarwood Road (turn on 1000 N., turn left on the 1st left AFTER Middle Canyon Elementary, turn right directly afterwards, then follow the street till you see her address:))
-everyone needs to bring a small treat-candy is perfect:) just make sure there's enough for everyone!
-We decided to make this a costume party:) so please dress up-it'll be fun! (it doesn't have to be a big deal, just find something you already have)
********PLEASE! Be on time!!!! We want to start right away so we can have more fun together!!
-also, please no cell phones or ipods!! (you can use your cell phone if you tell one of the coaches/captains why you need to use it)
-we'll be playing games and eating candy-it doesn't get much better than that:)
-This is gonna be fun;)