Stanbury Stallionettes Drill Team

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Competition Dates

Here are three of the five competition dates I would like us to attend. Please note these possible dates now!

UVU Invitational: Dec 2nd and 3rd (2nd Solos 3rd Team)
Murray Classic: Jan 13th and 14th (13th Solos 14th Team)
Region Competition at Grantsville: January 21st

We will do one more invitational and when the date for State comes out, we all need to tentatively plan on it! I'll let you know when that info comes!

I am unsure on how many girls want to do solos, so therefore have not decided if we will be watching the solos as a team. I will let you know.

Please leave a comment below if you are planning on a solo, what style, and who is choreographing it. *Remember that you will need to pay your solo fee