Thank you for taking your time and adding your input.
After reviewing the votes, we have decided that we will hire out for choreography.
However, Hip Hop will now be optional for each girl. If a dancer would like to be in the optional hip hop competition routine, she must pay a $100 fee to cover choreography, costumes, etc. There will be no alternates for this routine- all that pay will be in the dance.
As stated, the District $475 maximum is only for state competition routines and gear. Everything else can be an additional fee; this is how we can pay the $100 for hip hop.
With that said, I know many of us would like to do hip hop, but simply don't have $100 to spare. If this is the case, when doing our "Sponsor T-shirt" fundraiser, instead of getting two sponsors at $50 each, you may get four sponsors at $50 each. Those extra two can be applied to your $100 hip hop fee. (Date of when the hip hop fee is due TBA)
The reason that hip hop is staying, but as optional, are for the following reasons:
- The Hip Hop shoes were ordered along with our warm ups at the beginning of the summer and the girls have already received them. These shoes were just as expensive as our kick costumes. With our kick costumes, they may be able to be used for our dance routine this year. For our hip hop shoes, however, they cannot be used for anything else. That money would have gone down the drain. So, in that aspect, doing hip hop is wiser than dropping it and doing kick; this way we will have the option to possibly use all of our items already ordered.
- Some parents do not want to spend their money on hip hop. By making it optional, you have the choice.
- Our hip hop choreographer is FANTASTIC- and we are his first Drill Team in Utah, which is GREAT for us!
- Most of the girls love hip hop and would rather compete in hip hop than kick.
After doing and re-doing our finances, I believe that this decision is best for our budget. By paying for hip hop, we can make sure that we will have enough money to cover all other expenses throughout the year.
Here are the mandatory fundraisers that I have so far:
Stansbury Days
Sponsor T-Shirt
Chick Pick Dance
Mini Stallionette Clinic
Year End Showcase
Possible Mandatory Fundraisers:
Donuts at School
Candles for Christmas
I would just like to add 1-2 extra fundraisers to be added to our "Possible Mandatory Fundraiser" list. Many of you parents already have some great ideas. These fundraisers will be made mandatory after scheduling/getting approved, or after evaluating profit/budget on our big fundraisers at the beginning of the year.
After looking at our list, I'm sure you feel better about the amount of fundraisers you each are required to do, not too many, not too little, just right!
If there are any individual fundraisers (like selling candles) that you would not like to participate in, I did get permission from the school that you can pay the amount you would have earned.
The only additional costs you may have to pay for are:
-(Optional) Hip Hop fee
- Hazen Pictures
- Lunches at competitions
There will not be any small fees applied throughout the year. You are finished paying except for the possible above mentioned.
This decision is FINAL. I believe that this decision proves best in every aspect. I know that with your support, this year really will be fantastic. The girls have already improved tremendously and these choreographers will just take us to the next level.
We are ready!
I'm excited to see what the future holds for us. Thank you for all your time, dedication, and love for this team.