Stanbury Stallionettes Drill Team

Sunday, December 13, 2015


Sat Dec 12th @ UVU
Sat Jan 9th @ Corner Canyon High School
Sat Jan 16th @ Bountiful High School
Sat Jan 23rd @ Union High School -REGION-
Friday Feb 5th @ UVU- STATE Semi Finals-
Saturday Feb 6th @ UVU- STATE Finals 
Solo Competition Dates

Friday Dec 11th @ UVU
Friday Jan 8th @ Corner Canyon High School
Friday Jan 15th @ Bountiful High School
Miss Drill Utah Competition

Wednesday Semi Finals Feb 10th
Thursday Finals Feb 11th


Weds Jan 6th- Boys Basketball game @7 pm
Weds Jan 13th- Boys basketball game @ 7pm
Weds Jan 27th- Boys basketball game @ 7pm
Thurs Feb 4th- Girls game- SENIOR NIGHT- 7 pm
Weds feb 10th- Basketball Game - 7pm


Thursday, April 23, 2015

Pre tryout information

Pre Tryout Parent info
What Drill Team about
       It as competitive dance sports team. We compete at 3 invitational , region, state, and       
       maybe national competitions. The goal of drill team is that the whole team works together to
       look as one. 5 Judges will be  judging us on technique, flexibility, cleanliness, execution of
       each performance, and numerous other things. We perform 3 pieces to compete with an  
       optional 1-2 pieces more if we choose to. Military, Dance, Character, with the option of Hip
       hop and Lyrical.
       We are looking for -
  • Confidence- Are able to show your love of dance on the floor and look into judges eyes. Flexibility- Both left and right splits, Front extension, heel stretch(left and Right) bendy backs
  • Dance  technique- Knowledge of technique, Turns(Right and Left), leaps (right and left), ect. Can move fluidly and strong.
  • Strength- Military angles, core strength. Leg strength, arm strength
  • Endurance- able to get through each dance with a lot of energy
  • Good memory, coordination- Can catch on to choreography and changes at any time.
  • Positive fun girls with good work ethic and can get along with others. NO drama among
        members and coaches
  • Can do well in  school. No Fs or Us are allowed.  
Register my athlete-
       You need to Log on to and create and complete a profile
       Register under the 2015-2016 year. There will be a tab in the upper left corner.
       All members must have this completed before tryouts.
       All members must have a physical no later than June or you will not be able to be a  
       member. We encourage you to this before tryouts.
Tryouts are - Monday May 11th. 2:30-6 pm located at SHS Small Gym.
       We will teach a short routine , Then Judges will  look at your flexibility, tricks, and  
       technique, and performance. Please where black and have hair pulled up.
       Team will posted and you will be notified that evening .
Time commitment-
       All drill teams in the state of Utah practice up to 20 hrs a week. Our team usually practices
       6 am -7:30/9am mon- friday during school hours, averages around 10 ½-12 HRS  a week              
       and 7-11 am mon -thurs in the summer, which is 10 hrs a week on average.
       There are dead weeks, which means there isn’t any drill team functions allowed that week.
       We encourage you to take your vacations during this time. It is already posted. If there is a  
        family vacation planned, you will be given one free family vacation pass to excuse you
        from Practices, events, ect. This may only be used for family vacations.
       Some Saturdays and evenings may come up due to choreography or emergency practices.
       Competitions are usually held in December on Saturdays and in January on Saturdays,
       which are MANDATORY. I would advise not to schedule functions at this time, unless you
       know of the schedule.
       Solos are optional and at your cost and they usually are Friday prior to competition. Football
       and Basketball Games are mandatory if they are on the calendar. We always perform at  
       halftime. We will also require attendance at fundraisers.
       We are trying to build a State winning team. In order for us to do this, we need all member
       who are competing on our team, at all practices, performances, and functions, giving our
       team 100% effort.      
       If you choose to participate in other teams/organization, that coach /teacher will need to  
       clear you from their morning practice, so you can be present at ALL Drill Team morning
       practices. We encourage you to participate in multiple sports/organizations, as long as it        
       doesn’t interfere with our morning practices. You will have 3 golden tickets for drill team,  
       which allow you to miss 3 practices for anything reason you need. If you absolutely need to  
       miss practice, you may use one of these tickets.  
       We want you to be able to do multiple things. We know the importance of learning from
       different programs, however for us to be able to have our team compete against the best  
       we need to have our practices run smoothly with less fuss or drama and keep our team
       unity strong, we need everyone  to be at our practices so we can get our competition
       pieces cleaned in time.
       In order for us to have team rules, we need it to apply to the ENTIRE team, not       
       just some.  
       So you are aware, each program will have their own rules on this matter. Some may not go
      along with it and others might. Talk with them about this before you try out and make your
      choice at that time.
       Camp- $250 plus spending money
       Gear- $500
       If you choose to do so, a personal fundraiser will be given to you when you make the
       team. WE encourage every member to participate so you’re gear can be paid off by a
       fundraiser and not by your parents pockets. All money will need to be paid ASAP.
       Team fundraisers are scheduled and are for team items, such as, Costumes,
       choreography, competition fees, parties, ect.

Benefits to joining drill Team.
        They learn to work with others as a team member. They are taught responsibility, They get
        a chance to compete on an award winning team. Learn new styles of dance. Looks great    
        on a resume. Leadership opportunities.  We have fun and learn how to be rewarded by
        hard work. They make life long friends. Great fun experience.
Our Expectations-
        Full dedication, positive personality, great work ethic, dance knowledge and skills,
        flexibility, team player, respect to the team and coaches and administration. Great grades
        punctual, responsible.