Stanbury Stallionettes Drill Team

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Get To Know You Party

Hello 2012-2013 team! I hope you all have a fantastic spring break!

Here are some important dates to put on your calendar:

Wednesday, April 11th is our parent/member meeting @ 7pm. We will be discussing alot of important things at this meeting so it is mandatory for the member and one parent to attend. Exact location TBA.

Friday, April 13th is our get to know you party! Dancers only, time and location tba. (Yes, the date was changed from the 20th due to prom.)

Then the 16th-20th (m-f) of April is our first week of early morning practice, 6am-7:30am.

The calendar on the blog is a great way for you to see our practices and events.

I will post when it gets closer to the events the final details. Thanks and have a wonderful break!

Friday, March 30, 2012

2012-2013 Stallionettes

Congrats to the 2012-2013 Stallionettes!!!

Paige lerwill
Shelby Rasmussen
Hailey Greenland
Sarah Thomas
Alexandra Recor
Aly Harding
Kylie Park
Shanna Shepherd
Erin Gilgen
Drezden Loth
Kaitlyn Edwards
Alexie Castro
Emma Newby
Abigail Scott
Kendra Martell
Megan Larsen
Madeline Cole
Mckaylee Farrer
Olivia Keith
Cheyenne Garrison
Emily Houston
Maddison Fitzgerald
Megan Henrie
Veronica Bryan
Hailey Richardson
Caitlyn Hansen

New members, remember to check the blog regularly as its your main source of information. If you go to the right bar, you'll see a "follow by email" box. Type in your email to get all the blog posts sent straight to your inbox! Congrats again- with all of your hard work I know this will be a great year!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Tryout Results

EVERYONE who tried out for the 2012-2013 Stallionettes.
We will be posting The results at the drill trophy case at 7:30 am. You don't have to be there exactly at that time. We are not having a meeting directly after, but we do have something to give you, if you've made the team. We will post the results on the blog, later that day for everyone to see. We'd like you to find out tomorrow morning though, before the world knows.So come tomorrow morning. Thank you


All those who tried out for 2012-2013 Stallionettes.
We will be posting results on the drill team trophy case, Friday morning at 7:30.
If your name is on the list, please meet in the small gym directly afterward.
Thank You for trying out. We appreciate all of you.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Year End Show Bake Sale

Parents: Please don't forget to send 2 dozen individually wrapped treats tomorrow for sale at the year end show... Thanks so much!!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Stallionette Studs

Girls!!! Get your studs to come to practices this week, Wednesday and Friday from 7:15am - 7:55am! Tell them about our showcase they will perform at 7pm! They will also get treats in the morning if they come. (Yes, they will get in free to the concert, just not their parents or friends.) I will be putting this in the announcements this week. Thanks!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Mini Drill Details

Here are the details for Mini Drill. This is a lengthy post, but please read thoroughly and know your assignments as I don't want to spend much practice time discussing. Thanks!!

Remember that you can still sign up mini drill girls. The deadline is Tuesday when the Mini Drill Clinic begins. Keep finding those girls!!! Every little bit counts!

We need all of you to be there each day BY 4:45pm. I want you to all look the same so the girls can find you; so please wear the following:

  •       Tuesday: Black dance pants and black stallionette top
  •       Wednesday: Black dance pants and blue zebra top
  •       Thursday: Black dance pants and jersy top

*Please have your hair pulled back in a pony all three days so we look clean, professional, and similar.

Veronica and Katie will be running this event. They will be signing girls in and making sure everything is running smoothly. If there is a problem, talk with one of them at the clinic and they can help you or find the answer.

Here are your Mini Drill Groups:

  • 4-6 yrs old: Janica, Maddie , Hailey Paige, Caitlyn, Megan (Big Gym)
  • 7-9 yrs old: Emily, Sarah, Aly, Chloe, Kendra, Emma (Big Gym)
  • 10 and up: Jessica, Kylie, Maggie, Erin, Olivia (Small Gym)

From 5:00-6:00pm on Tuesday and Wednesday you will be in your designated groups teaching the routines. Your officers are choreographing and teaching the routines. During these times you may/will need to break from time to time to let the girls have a water break, play duck duck goose, etc.. But please make sure you use your time wisely. (Officers- try to get all material taught on the first two days so the third can be a review/dress rehearsal. With younger girls, remember to teach full out all the time; absolutely no marking. It confuses the girls and/or will make them learn incorrectly.Also make sure you bring your own boom box/speakers.) On Tuesday morning during our drill practice, I will let you get in your groups for a couple minutes and show the choreography, discuss any plans you have, etc..

From 6:00-6:30pm on Tuesday and Wednesday you will be gathering the entire group together to learn the last group dance in the Main Gym. During this time, make sure you are standing not only on the outsides, but throughout the middle so the girls can watch you and see. Please dance the routine full out every time- they will copy exactly what you do.

From 6:30-7:00 on Tuesday and Wednesday you will rotate into your Technique Age Groups. Each group will divide into these halves:
  • Paige and Chloe: 4-5 yrs old
  • Megan and Hailey: 6 yrs old
  • Aly and Emma: 7-8 yrs old
  • Caitlyn and Kendra: 9 yrs old
  • Olivia and Maggie: 10-11 yrs old
  • Erin: 12 and up
*Drill Girls over these groups are in charge of rotating their groups to the correct spot and assisting the girls as the officers teach their technique specialty.

On Tuesday the above technique groups will follow the rotation below. You will spend 10 minutes in each technique group:

Janica/kicks/east main gym: Cailtyn and Kendra
Maddie/turns/north main gym: Olivia and Maggie
Kylie/leaps/south main gym: Aly and Emma
Emily/headstands/south small gym: Paige and Chloe
Sarah/Flexibility/west main gym: Erin
Jessica/Drill Down/north small gym: Megan and Hailey

Janica/kicks/east main gym: Megan and Hailey
Maddie/turns/north main gym: Caitlyn and Kendra
Kylie/leaps/south main gym: Olivia and Maggie
Emily/headstands/south small gym: Aly and Emma
Sarah/Flexibility/west main gym: Paige and Chloe
Jessica/Drill Down/north small gym: Erin

Janica/kicks/east main gym: Erin
Maddie/turns/north main gym: Megan and Hailey
Kylie/leaps/south main gym: Caitlyn and Kendra
Emily/headstands/south small gym: Olivia and Maggie
Sarah/Flexibility/west main gym: Aly and Emma
Jessica/Drill Down/north small gym: Paige and Chloe

Wednesday Technique rotation:


Janica/kicks/east main gym: Paige and Chloe
Maddie/turns/north main gym: Erin
Kylie/leaps/south main gym: Megan and Hailey
Emily/headstands/south small gym: Caitlyn and Kendra
Sarah/Flexibility/west main gym: Olivia and Maggie
Jessica/Drill Down/north small gym:  Aly and Emma


Janica/kicks/east main gym: Aly and Emma
Maddie/turns/north main gym: Paige and Chloe
Kylie/leaps/south main gym: Erin
Emily/headstands/south small gym: Megan and Hailey
Sarah/Flexibility/west main gym: Caitlyn and Kendra
Jessica/Drill Down/north small gym: Olivia and Maggie


Janica/kicks/east main gym: Olivia and Maggie
Maddie/turns/north main gym: Aly and Emma
Kylie/leaps/south main gym: Paige and Chloe
Emily/headstands/south small gym:  Erin
Sarah/Flexibility/west main gym: Megan and Hailey
Jessica/Drill Down/north small gym: Caitlyn and Kendra

Thursday, will be a Review Day. From 5:00-6:30pm you will review in your groups. 6:30-7:00 will be a "dress rehearsal" run-through with all the girls (running on and off, etc..)

*Please make sure you are knowledgeable of the above information. Print this post out so you can refer to it often. Keep track of time when you're in your groups, but don't rotate until Katie or Veronica shout to do so. Tell your dancers to bring water bottles and appropriate shoes! We will discuss any other information needed at practice.

Thank you and lets have a great mini drill clinic!!!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Mini Drill Due Date Info

I just want to clarify that our Mini Drill Clinic is on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; March 20th-22nd from 5-7pm.

This Friday: Your money is due to the finance office and sign up sheets need to be turned into Heidi.
Monday: Receipts are due to Kamie.

Hope this helps- I hear many of you are doing a fantastic job getting girls signed up for Mini Drill! Keep up the good work!

P.S. Don't forget to promote our Workshop next week!